November 29, 2013

Sony on the PS3's lifespan, first-party games and PlayStation Plus support

This Black Friday, and likely through the holiday season, the PlayStation 3 will be bundled, discounted and generally made available to consumers in the most attractive package its ever been.

Fortunately for the console's late adopters, Sony has no intention of ignoring its previous-generation home console. Speaking to Polygon, Sony VP of product marketing John Koller explained that the PlayStation 3 will be supported for years to come, both in terms of first-party releases and network maintenance.

Sony showed its skill at prolonging the lifespan of last-gen hardware with the PlayStation 2, a console which received a number of terrific games and price cuts years after the arrival of its successor. It's unsurprising that, as the company looks to the future of the PS3, it's turning to its immediate past.

"The PS3 support plan is very similar to what we did with PlayStation 2, in that we think that consoles have long lives, and as long as content keeps coming to the system, then we'll continue to support it," Koller said. "It's the fuel in the engine. And there's a good bit of content that's coming to the PS3 still."

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